Showing posts with label wellness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wellness. Show all posts

Warmer weather brings cooler drinks. So lets have a real chat about smoothies. 
When you hear the word smoothie you think healthy, fruity, nutritious. Sadly that isn't always the case and sometimes you end up loading your body with artificial ingredients, unnecessary sugar, and enough calories to get you through the day. 

Lately I've been a tad under the weather so I've been trying to get an immunity boost through healthy foods. My green smoothie from whole foods had spinach, kale, pineapple, banana, strawberry, and apple juice (the only ingredient being apples.) 

Beware that all smoothies aren't as simple. Take a look at the nutrition info for the 2 smoothies below.

This is the nutrition info from a strawberry banana smoothie from Orange Julius (Dairy Queens smoothie spot.) The ingredients include: Banana, Nonfat Vanilla Liquid Yogurt (11 ingredients,) and Strawberry Fruit Beverage Mix (9 ingredients.) This is loaded with a bunch of junk! Don't do your body like that, unless you want a smoothie to be your cheat of the week. 

Next up is The Hulk from Smoothie King. OH MY GOODNESS THIS IS TRASH! 964 calories in the smallest size available. As you can see this is more of a milkshake than a healthy snack. Just say no! 

Moral of this story is to always check the nutrition facts before you order or make it yourself at home. 

A couple weeks ago the DC area was hit with a huge blizzard! I am a person that thrives off of routine so when I couldn't get to the gym I didn't workout as often as I should've. I also have been having far too many cheat meals than I should. Falling off sucks but it happens to everyone. The key is to catch yourself a week or so in the midst of your fall off rather than a month or more.

This is how I get myself back on track after falling off.

Admit that I am struggling.
First, I admit that I am struggling. I often find myself making excuses. I have to tell myself that veggies on my pizza is still a cheat meal, working out everyday is a non-negotiable, nothing works without prayer and reflection.

Make a plan
I make a plan about how I will reset myself. I plan when I will workout and what I will eat.

Start Immediately
I don't care if it's 2am, Im broke, Im tired, or whatever! I start immediately. That means I make it work with whatever I have. Whether it is a home workout or a trip to the market to get a few things, I start and do my best.

Go grocery shopping ASAP
If I have other financial priorities and can't get to the grocery store immediately I make a plan to do so as soon as possible. Filling up my cart and swiping my card for whatever amount of money I spend makes me want to eat it all. This helps me meal prep and avoid eating whatever else is in the fridge or eating out.

One of my goals in 2016 is to journal every day. This journal documents everything I eat, my workouts, my moods, and prayer. 

When I got the journal I also bought a 20 pack of pretty colored pens just to make writing even more fun. 

Every 15 days I review myself. I go back and look at my nutrition each day and give myself a check, check minus or a cheat. A check means I ate completely clean, a check minus a good day but not perfect, and a cheat is when I treat myself that day. I also count the number of days I wrote down my mood, worked out, and prayed. Lastly, I write down any noticeable changes. 

Happy journaling! 


You know you're old when you start thinking of new years January 1st rather than school years *sigh.*
I am so excited for 2016. This is my harvest year. In 2015 I put  so much energy into many different things and this is going to be a huge year for me!

I love love love to set goals and to smash them. Of course I want to be happy and healthy in 2016 but here are some of my measurable goals for the year!
  • To fit into my college graduation dress
  • To take at least 3 trips
  • To start graduate school and make a 4.0 my first semester
  • Keep my room clean
  • Write in my wellness journal every single day
  • To stay in my relationship and grow with my partner
  • Blog regularly
  • Get back into personal training (part time)
  • Have a successful fast for Lent
  • Pray daily 
  • Grow my hair without damaging it

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